Monday, December 24, 2007

Is it? (or not)

Couple of days back, my friend asked me "Suppose you are driving on your way to an important meeting that can fetch you million dollar profit contract. You are driving very fast and suddenly an old woman comes infront of the car. You can't put the breaks and hit her. She starts bleeding heavily. The road is completely isolated and there is no witness to the accident and there is no-one to help. What will you do? Will you go ahead with your journey or will you join her in a hospital? Remember, you run the risk of losing the contract if you don't reach there on time."

I replied immediately "I will just go on with my journey as there is no witness to the accident." My friend is shocked and she asks me if I was sure. I say yes and then I ask her what would she do if she were in such a situation. She replies "well, I will first think of what will happen if my family were in such a situation." And that's when it dawned upon me. I am a terrible, terrible person with no sentiments. I am evil. or wait a second, am I??

I will never ever understand whether human relations are an asset or a liability.

1 comment:

sonik said...

maybe you're not that heartless. Its one thng sittng and imagining possible reactions in a given situation, and quite another thing being there actually.

Maybe you'll respond rightly when God forbids, it happens really